I know how many people are sick and tired of this Russians invading Ukraine.
My business went to scratch as well since I do business with the Russians and they had to stop all activities.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The weather has been brutally cold 2 days ago and even snowed, recording the lowest temperature in March.
But last week, it was so hot and recorded the highest.

2 to 3 deg. Celcius on March 22nd

Change of plans of everything, including my personal life.

Podcast My End of Life 09 March 24th, 2022 BGM by 田丸 智也 TM: ASAGIRI

There are so many ways we can solve things and there isn’t one correct method in life.

My season 2 of jFuneral.com podcast just ended and I’ll be starting season 3 in April, discussing funeral marketing from the other side, basically marketing in general.

Have a good day everyone.